Friday, January 2, 2015

Cycle 10 Week 3 Light Bench

Flat Bench - 135X20X2, Work Sets - 245X10X2 (Speed)
Standing BB OHP - 145X10, X9, X8
Skullcrushers - 125X8X2
DB Shrug - 60X15, X12, X12
Cable Cambered bar Tricep Pressdown - 140X25, X20

Good Workout. Not going crazy hard, just sort of maintaining until I start new program on Monday to work up to Provincials. Probably going to skip Deads this week and get ready to start new routine on Monday.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Cycle 10 Week 3 Squats

135X15, 225X12, 315X10

I definitely feel like I took a couple weeks off squats. Back was tight and it felt heavy. Damn holiday season is taking it s toll. Oh well. I will finish up this week and get my shit together for the start of next week. It is New Years eve tomorrow night so, probably won't be training for a couple days :).

In the meantime I am putting together my training for the next 6 weeks of training leading up to Provincials.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Cycle 10 Week 3 Heavy Bench


Flat Bench - 355X3
CGBP - 315X4
315X4 all paused
Incline - 290X2X2

Incline was a little off, trained on a different bench than Im used to, little different angle. Otherwise, solid training session. Bench is feeling great, got 1 more rep out of the prescribed reps on flat and close grip (4), supposed to be 3, so thats a good sign I hope. This is week 8 for the bench program, getting into some heavy triples which is what I like. Still 4 weeks away from testing 1RM, getting pumped to do so. Now I just gotta get my other lifts going. Going to finish this week then two more back to back cycles of 5/3/1 for squats and deadlifts. That would bring me to 12 cycles of 5/3/1 and a full year on the program. Then I can say I gave it a solid run, and maybe look at some other programs.

Heavy squats tomorrow.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Cycle 10 Week 2 Light Bench

I skipped squats and deadlifts this week. Tried hard to stay on track but something had to give. Got in a quick light bench session today just to stay somewhat on track.

235X10X2 speed bench
Standing OHP - 135X10X2
Skulls - 135X8X2
DB Raise - 20X10X2
Cambered Bar Tri PRessdown - 140X15X2

I have definitely taken the xmas season bulk to a new level lol. I stepped on the scale and I am officially in the 120 weight class, but only a by about 1 lb. Needless to say, I will lose that, I don't plan on competing in that class. Its been fun bulking though. I have kept on track with the Ed Coan bench program but not the other lifts. I plan to get back on track best week. I have 7 training weeks until the MPA provincials in Winnipeg on Feb 21 and I plan to add at least 15-20 kg to my last meet total.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Cycle 10 Week 2 Heavy Bench


Work Sets;
Flat Bench - 335X5X2
CGBP - 300X6, X5
Incline - 275X5X2

That was it for today, in and out. Ill do back later in the week.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Cycle 10 Week 1 Deads

Pretty straightforward deadlift session. Felt ok, haven't really been pushing (or doing) deads lately.
Warmed up with 135, 225, 315.
480X3 PR

Took a run at 575….got to just above the knees and stuck.
 I gotta get my deadlift moving.

Cycle 10 Week 1 Light Bench Day/Shoulders

135X20X2 Warmup

Flat Bench 235X10X2
Standing OHP - 155X8, 155X8, 155X6
Skullcrushers - 135X8X2, 115X10
DB Side raise - 20X10X2
Tri Pressdown - 140X20X2
DB Shrugs - 85X10X2

I like the lighter DB raises, they are more for rehab than strength but they feel good after heavy presses.
Deadlifts tomorrow